PE & Sport
The Physical Education
Tecoma aims to provide students with the opportunity to experience a wide range of physical activities in a supportive and development based environment. They are encouraged to try new skills and games while also looking to improve physical fitness levels.
We aim to encourage maximum participation, a safe and caring environment for all students to achieve their best, encourage students to work as a team, foster positive sporting experiences that will lead to lifelong physical activity and to teach students the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Our school is aligned with the Physical and Sports Education time allocations, as outlined in the Department of Education and Early Childhood development, Victorian Essential Learning Standards. Tecoma’s students are offered the opportunity to experience a range of different sports and skill development sessions in weekly 45 minute Physical Education classes. Year 3-6 students also have a sport session with their classroom teachers where they further develop their major games skills and knowledge. Preps participate in the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) each week with their classroom teacher.
Students are also given the opportunity to participate in many extra sporting activities throughout the year such as:
- Inter-school Athletics (Years 3-6)
- Whole school Inter-House Cross Country
- Inter-school Cross Country (Years 3-6)
- Inter-school Swimming Carnival (Years 3-6)
- Interschool Sports (Years 5-6) – including sports such as football, netball, tee-ball, softball, volleyball, basketball, soccer, cricket, rounders, bat tennis and hockey
- Whole School Two Week Intensive Swimming Program
- Hoop Time Basketball (Years 3 to 6)
- Footy Day (whole school)
- S.E.P.E.P (Sport Education in Physical Education Program- Year 3-4)
- Volleyball Program (Years 3-6)
Over the past few years Tecoma Primary School has had a number of outstanding performances by individual and school teams. We have had student representation at Victorian State Championships in volleyball, basketball, swimming, netball, cross country and athletics.
All students will be required to bring along a bottle with water to each P.E. lesson to ensure they stay hydrated.
S.E.P.E.P. – Sports Education in Physical Education Program:
S.E.P.E.P. is a student centered approach to Physical Education which takes the best parts of community sport to enhance student learning. The philosophy behind S.E.P.E.P. is for students to experience a program which mirrors “real life” sport.
This term our grade 3 to 6 students will take part in weekly S.E.P.E.P. with a focus on team sports and the roles within a team.
Grade 6 Tecoma Sports Captains play a large role in these sessions with opportunities for them to develop leadership skills through modelling.

Bike Education
During terms 2 or 3 Bike Education will take place during 5/6 rotations for a 2 week intensive program. This is in preparation for the Grade 5 camp to Maldon.
Overarching Principle
Implement evidence-based road safety education programs and initiatives in schools and include local research and current legislation where available.
We have a long and successful volleyball tradition at Tecoma:
Our boys’ team were SSV PrimaryState Champs in 2008 and 2013 and our girls’ teams were State Champs in 2004 and 2010, runners up in 2009 and 2013 and placed third in 2011. In 2016 our girls team made it to the SSV Primary State Champs where they came 5th.
In 2016 and 2017 our boys team won the Upwey High School Volleyball Cup.
The aim of our program is to provide our students with the opportunity to learn and develop volleyball skills within a fun and encouraging environment.
Students work their way through a variety of volleyball games with modified rules beginning with Newcombe (catching and throwing) followed by Volleystars (half catching, half volleyball) and eventually develop the skills to play full Volleyball rules.
Weekly lunchtime practice and coaching sessions are provided for our grade 5/6 students and groups are divided into senior boys, senior girls and a development squad.
We would like to thank the parents and staff who support the program and a special thank you to Bendigo Bank for their very generous sponsorship.